Effective Social Media Marketing Tactics: A Digital Entrepreneurs Guide

Welcome to the world of social media marketing, where creativity meets strategy, and where brands become besties with their audience. In this digital era, we assume consumers are still glued to their screens, but here’s the hard truth: as we get more familiar with new technology, we get more familiar with setting boundaries with them AND only sticking around for the accounts that make our time worthwhile. 

Social media is your holy grail when it comes to building community, authentic connections, and loyalty with your customers/clients. Let’s dive into 7 effective social media marketing tactics that supersede the trends.

Step Into Storytelling.

Once upon a time... Yeah, that's how good stories begin, and that's exactly how your social media posts should feel - like the beginning of a story that everyone's dying to hear. 

The trick is to craft tales that resonate with your audience, making them the hero of your narrative. People don’t connect to Instagram…they connect to YOU. So share your story, the BTS look at your service, the success stories you played a role in, etc. Remember, every post is a chance to connect, inspire, and create genuine relationships. 

The Art of Conversation

Social media isn't just about broadcasting your message into the void and hoping for the best. It's about sparking conversations and building a community. Reply to comments, ask for opinions, run polls, and create REAL relationships. 

The copy and paste messages are so 2021. Keep human connection as a top priority and be open to creating conversation with everyone your account crosses paths with. Plus, who doesn't love a brand that actually talks back and values their input?

A Good Graphic Is Worth A Thousand Words

In the realm of social media, visuals reign supreme. High-quality, eye-catching images and videos are like the magic beans of engagement. They can transform your feed and be a visual representation of your brand, values, personality, etc. 

Experiment with different formats - boomerangs, reels, live videos, or even memes. Just remember, authenticity wins over perfection. Your audience wants to see the real you, not a polished ad.

The Power of #KeyWords

Your caption MATTERS. Strategically using key words throughout helps boost SEO on several social media platforms. Hashtags are also still being used and can help increase visibility despire what some “gurus” say. The trick is to be strategic and simplify your hashtag list.  This can expand your reach, connect you with like-minded souls, and even get you discovered in the uncharted territories of the explore page. 

The Willingness to Learn, Adapt, and Grow

The digital landscape is ever-changing, and so should your strategy. Keep a hawk's eye on your analytics. Which posts soared high, and which ones plummeted? 

And here’s a tip that not every social media manager will recommend, but after working with 40+ business owners I feel the need to share: Create a strategy that keeps YOU inspired. If you are burnt out with posting, or feel pressure around your strategy, don’t hesitate to scale it back. When you feel inspired to show up and create, your message is coming from the heart.

These tactics will surely help expand your reach on any social media platform, but the neat thing about social media marketing is that there isn’t a “magic formula”. Not only is there a need to customize your strategy to you and your business, but I’m a big believer on ensuring it stays aligned with EASE and feels GOOD. 

Remember, at the heart of it all is your unique brand story and the community you build. So, consider these tactics wisely, sprinkle in your own creativity, and watch as your brand becomes a legend in the digital realm. 


The Power of Connection: Can Social Media Marketing Transform Your Business?


Inviting in Flexibility + Structure