Don’t Press Snooze on Social Media: 3 Reasons You Should Up Your Social Media Game

Our world is changing. It’s now more digital and online than ever. I mean come on- you can go grocery shopping from the comfort of your couch! Heck, you can attend a meeting with a blazer on top and pajama pants on the bottom. 

Super here for dressing from the top up though.  If I ever stand up on a meeting with you, I apologize for my cheetah pajama pants I am probably wearing despite the fact I look put together from the shoulders up. 

Let’s cut to the chase: Social media is important for many reasons, and if you want to grow your business, it’s an amazing tool to use!

Here are my top 3 reasons you should up your social media game: 

1: Your audience is on there. 

And i’m not talking about your current audience, even though they most likely are too. But I am talking about the MILLION of users different platforms have. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 

There are almost 4 billion social media users- don’t you think you could reach at least a 100 more? What about 1,000 more?

The potential to bring in new customers, clients or followers is endless! Don’t miss out on the chance to reach them.

2: It’s easier than you think.

You don’t have to be a pro to know how to be on social media. Although there are strategies to use and definite do’s and don'ts, the first step to being on a new platform is creating your account!

Being consistent is key to success on social media. If you have time to give towards your online presence, you will start to see results.

Simply putting yourself out there will increase brand recognition!

3: You get what you give. 

If you don’t give two $%@^’s about social media you won’t see results. BUT, if you even put in the slightest efforts you can start to connect with new people every day! 

Remember how many people are on social media? Yeah, it’s a lot. Call me nerdy, but that number excites the social media manager within me! 

Imagine dedicating two hours each week to plan out what you will post. You could land a big client. Or sell your items to a new customer who wants to order 25 tumblers for her bachelorette party all with their names on it. Or maybe you get your name out there and get shotout by your favorite author because she loved your post

I actually did get a shoutout from posting about my favorite book (The Middle Finger Project by Ash Ambridge) and how it inspired me. Ash commented and liked my post….. AND THEN POSTED ME ON HER INSTAGRAM STORY (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I’m not over it. I still fangirl when I think about it. 

The point is you truly get what you put into your social media. I encourage you to utilize this tool! You can reach SO MANY PEOPLE!

Because my job is mostly centered around social media, I could list several other reasons why it’s important, but these three sum up why you need to take this stuff to the next level!

I could sell ya on why it’s critical if you want me to- give me a call and I’ll ramble on why we should create a strategy...joking! (unless you really want to work together, then for real give me a call)

But I believe that bringing a product, service, or whatever you offer, to people’s attention is the first step to show people it’s importance! I see small businesses, or freelancers, who offer amazing things, but aren’t utilizing their social media like they could. I get a little sad when I see that- I believe that if someone is passionate about what they are doing, it deserves some recognition and attention! 

Don’t press snooze on social media- wake up and let’s get to work! I am confident whatever you love to do, make, sell, teach, offer, etc is worth being out there if you believe it too!


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