3 Ways to Return Back to Your Purpose

I see it every day, and I’ll admit it- I’ve done it too. 

The glamorization of entrepreneurship without the recognition of the person behind the business. It’s easy to see a woman doing it all when that’s all she shows. 

So I want to let you in on my truth: I struggle with my mental health, and sometimes the weight of it starts to impact the way I show up for my business. 

And if you are small-business owner too, you probably understand the extent of what feeling blocked can do. It’s as if all of the creative and problem-solving juices have dried up. 

I’m still learning how to run a business and be there for myself, and let me tell you this: it’s DAMN hard. The pressure to keep growing, doing something BIGGER, and connecting with more people eats me alive when I feel more anxious than ever. 

But let me also tell you this: I will NEVER back down from being an entrepreneur. Maybe you feel it too- the pull and attraction to building something that truly honors your mind + body + soul. 

And when you get that taste of accomplishing a goal inside your business, it is on of the most freeing feelings. 

As I step into the coaching space with my new program Namaste VA, I am continuously reminded of the type of coach I want to be. I want to show them that duality exists. 

There is hustle and relaxation.

There are times when you feel like you are thriving.

And times that you feel like you are falling apart. 

There isn’t shame in any of it.

Well, let me rephrase that: there isn’t shame in any of it when you don’t let this “imbalance” define you. Because this imbalance isn’t really negative. This is our human experience and we are meant to continuously learn, grow, and evolve. 

Each time that I find myself pulling back, it serves as a time to reflect, refine, and remove. 

Reflect on what has been working and what hasn’t been.

Refine my approach to my business and personal life. 

Remove the energy block and anything that is added pressure. 

So as we embark on this journey of building a life with intention, here are 3 ways to return back to your purpose when you feel like you have forgotten:

1. Feel + release.

For a moment, allow yourself to feel. Take note of where you feel this in your body. Place your hand on your heart and feel the presence of your own support. Repeat the following affirmations:

I am present with my emotions, and I am here to support myself.

I breathe peace, I feel peace, and I live in peace.

I am allowed to take time to find clarity. 

2. Communicate with your shadow side. 

Spend some time getting to know your shadow side. Find a time and safe space to practice this: 

Picture your shadow self: all of the negative thoughts, feelings, and stories you have. Get detailed: What is this version doing? What does she look like? What is she feeling and saying? Sit in this moment with your shadow. Observe. When you feel ready, it’s time to humanize this version of yourself.

Start to offer this side of you love. Speak to your shadow and tell her what she needs to hear. Whether it is through a mediation, journaling, or dancing it out, offer this version yourself a truce- thank them for protecting you, but it’s time to remind your inner worrier who you really are and who you are working to become. 

3. Create your next 3 steps. 

Sometimes trying to plan the entire game plan is overwhelming. So simply create your next 3 steps. For me, this looks like grabbing a glass of water, planning my tomorrow’s to-do for work, and doing some writing.

This allows me to feel prepared while clearing my head. Sometimes all it takes is to get out of our heads and back into our hearts to continue moving forward. 

Take time, my friend. And be gentle with yourself. If there is one thing to take away from this, it is this: you are allowed to take time to refuel your mind + body + soul. 

You can’t fill other’s with an empty cup, and your business will not thrive if you aren’t. You are the core of this, so nourish yourself with self-love. You deserve it! 

Ready to discover your purpose + create the business your higherself is guiding you towards? Join Social Honey’s 1:1 mentorship program, Namaste VA: your space to unleash your potential and redefine what success means to you! Click here to learn more!


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