2 Key Elements Your Partnership Needs

The biggest slap in the face as an online service provider? Not feeling valued after you have put your heart + soul into creating something. 

If I had a dollar for every time someone told me to not be so emotionally attached to my business, I’d be a millionaire. 

And that’s what is the hardest part: I built this business TO put my heart and soul into each day. Creativity is something that feels balancing and aligning for me. 

I’m my highest self when I am in my creative zone. 

When creating a service for my business or connecting with a new client, I want them to trust that I take on this role seriously and my mission is to create as much intention behind their goals as possible. 

But creative energy takes a lot out of a gal.

And when I feel that it isn’t being valued, it’s draining. 

When it is valued? I feel ON TOP OF THE WORLD. I create more freely, feel more in tune with the messaging, and the service I am providing doesn’t feel like work. It feels like something I get to create. 

This got me thinking: what are ways that I can ensure a partnership that is fueling for both sides? 

And the answer is BOUNDARIES + COMMUNICATION! So let’s dive into these two things you need to implement for your next partnership: 


Take some time and really tune into your energy. Ask yourself what do you need to thrive? What are boundaries you need in place to support this journey? 

For me personally, I need time + space to recharge after a busy day. For my business, this means I can’t have last-minute tasks thrown on my plate. 

If a client asks for something last-minute, I need to option to decline. If I have time, I will gladly do it, but if it impacts my time to step back and relax, It’s not worth jeopardizing my mental wellbeing. 

Here are a few questions to help guide you:

  • What currently feels heavy? Why does it feel that way?

  • What are ways that you can shift to support your mental + spiritual wellbeing? Often times you can still provide the same level of service in addition to having more time + space for yourself. 

  • How do you plan to implement these boundaries? What about holding yourself accountable for them? 


For any successful relationship, you need clear communication. This starts with being honest with yourself. Identify the times when you communicated ineffectively, or in a way that was fluffy. 

For example, has there ever been a time when you wanted to reinforce your boundary, but were timid in your approach leading to your boundary being crossed anyways? 

Here are some prompts to guide you in creating your communication plan:

  • How will you communicate? What standard do you want to hold yourself to? Think about honesty, timeliness, etc. 

  • How do YOU want to be communicated with? Be honest with yourself about the verbiage that motivates you vs what shuts you down. 

  • When will you have an open conversation about your boundaries, intention, and communication flow with this person? 

I have this incredibly successful and wildly ambitious client who has instilled the value of boundaries and communication in our partnership. It has led to one of the most fulfilling partnerships I have ever had in my business. 

She respects the boundaries I have set and incorporates them into her plan. This has led to me feeling not only that my voice matters, but it is being heard.

The value I feel allows me to explore my creative services, think on my feet even faster, and show up for her and her business with confidence. 

I share this message with one intention in mind: to prove to you that there are people out there that will value YOU. Trust YOU. Believe in what YOU provide. 

And if you haven’t found the client, the friend, the relationship, etc. that makes you feel like that, it’s time to keep moving. Don’t settle for unfulfilling ANYTHING.

Your energy IS your power. Find your people who honor it. Period.


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