Life Changing Ritual for 2023

2023 is quite literally around the corner, and if you have been needing a little fuel for your fire, I have an incredible practice to share with you! 

The truth is, it’s easy to forget what our purpose is and how to hone in on it in a powerful and transformational way. But when we do recognize it, we can operate from a place of alignment, balance, happiness, inner peace, etc. 

If you feel stuck, I want to remind you of this: It’s okay. This feeling is temporary. Don’t feel down about it, instead, look at what it has taught you. Feeling stuck is a signal of how we wish we were MOVING. 

So take an inventory of this time and reflect back on your wins and what your roadblocks taught you. 

I did this the other night. On the winter solstice, I did a powerful ritual that embodied what I needed to release before 2023, and everything I desire for the year ahead. 

This fall I really fell off the bandwagon of my spiritual rituals and practices, so doing this felt as if an energetic block had been cleared. My intention for this ritual was to manifest for 2023 and call in clearing energy to help me start 2023 feeling balanced. 

So if you are desiring this new year to be YOUR YEAR, I invite you to give this practice a try today or within the next few weeks. It doesn’t need to be before the new year, however, you might enjoy giving yourself some self-love around the  New Year!

Before we dive into the ritual itself, here are some things to consider:

Your environment: Where can you set up a space where you feel comfortable doing this practice? It’s emotional, so find an area where you can freely experience each emotion. 

Indulge your senses: Within your space, find ways to indulge each sense. Play some music, sip some of your favorite tea, or light incense, and maybe grab your favorite pair of slippers to feel the warmth. 

Time freedom: Ask yourself if you have an hour to perform this. It might take less time for you, but giving yourself a full 60 minutes will release the stress of having to finish within a certain time frame. 

Cleanse the space: Whether you use sage, palo santo, or if you don’t have either, do a short meditation of using your energy to cleanse the space. Your intention behind this is what is important. When you cleanse your space, you are welcome to repeat a mantra or say to yourself what you are specifically cleansing or clearing. 

For me, this is like a walking meditation. I move through my space with my eyes lowered, my breathing deepens, and I am saying to myself what type of energy I am welcoming in. 

After you feel grounded to do this practice, grab your supplies:

  • Speaker/phone for gentle music. No need to stick to a specific genre, but choose something that makes you feel at home with yourself. 

  • Journal and pen since this practice is an intense journaling session. If your hand tends to cramp up easily, feel free to type or use an iPad! The goal is to feel comfortable the entire time. 

  • Meditation pillow if you have one, and a yoga mat. If you have neither, you can fold a heavier blanket to use as a meditation pillow, and use either a towel or rug for your yoga/movement practice

Let’s dive in: Gently lower down onto your pillow and sit in an easy seated position. Place your palms face down, close your eyes, and start to lengthen your breath. 

Notice where your thoughts go, and simply observe them. No need to correct your thinking, just allow your mind to think freely. 

After 4-5 breath cycles of your normal breath, engage in box breathing. This is where you inhale for x seconds, hold for x seconds, exhale for x seconds, and hold for x seconds. 

I recommend using 4-5 seconds as a marker, but do what feels comfortable for you. Breathe in this rhythm for 5 cycles. 

When you are done, you may notice a sense of calm. This is from your focus on your breath, which might have taken away the distraction of your thoughts. Sit in this moment of silence and peace. 

Then ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I feel called to this year? (It can be anything! From traveling to making more money, starting a family, loving yourself, etc) 

  • What limiting beliefs are present right now as I think about my personal growth? Financial growth? Career growth? 

  • What is my purpose? Why am I here on this Earth at this time? What am I supposed to experience? (This can change, but what does your soul feel called to do? It can be anywhere from creating impact through building a business to spending as much time near the beach as possible. There is no right or wrong answer!)

Open your eyes and grab your journal (feel free to move to a table, couch, or whatever feels comfortable).  For the next 30-45ish minutes, write down your 2023 year as if it has already happened. Start in January, then move into February, and so on. 

Get detailed and write in the past tense. Think about how you would write a daily excerpt, and turn that into a monthly overview. Write about your wins, how lucky you were, and what types of plans you turned into action. 

An example of what I wrote was…

  • How many new clients I would work with in January. I got detailed about what our partnership felt like too. 

  • What types of classes I created for my yoga business, and how a few women wanted to work 1:1 on with me after taking them. 

  • How my partner and I made travel plans to go to Thailand for a honeymoon after we just had the wedding of the century with our closest family and friends.

Be sure to include how you feel with each thing you write- this is going to allow you to return back to this feeling state later in our practice. 

Continue writing for each month and observe how incredible your year is folding out to be. Remember that there is nothing TOO BIG for you to do- everything you desire is worthy of you doing. 

If you want to make 6-figures, show yourself how you did that by gainin momentum each month. 

If you want to travel more, show yourself how you made the plan, took action, and actually went there. Write how you felt during your travels and what you saw, what you ate, drank, etc.

If you want to deepen your relationships, get specific on how fulfilled you feel when people speak to you in a certain way, treat you with respect, honor your boundaries, etc. Show yourself how you treat them in a loving way in return.

If you want to start to love yourself, write out each month what type of practices you do and how they have started to help you. 

YOU ARE WORTHY OF EVERY DESIRE. You can have 2023 be the year that feels easy.

This practice is a form of manifestation, but it will also serve as a roadmap to your year. For example, if you wanted to make ‘x’ amount of money in March, if you believe you are worthy of it, you will start to operate in ways that attract more money. 

When you are done writing out your year, take a deep breath and return back to your pillow, close your eyes, and place your palms face down on your knees. Give this energy back to yourself. 

As you close your eyes, think about what you wrote. Visualize yourself at the end of 2023- what do you see?

What do you feel like?

Look like?

Sound like?

This version of yourself is not a ‘higher self’, this is your potential looking back at you. 

Step into this version of yourself right now. Feel the energy build inside of you as mesh this next year you into who you are right now. As you continue to breathe, start to feel the shift of you releasing what is no longer serving you and embodying what does and will. 

This feeling you feel right now, label it with a word. Maybe it is…



All loving. 



I am borrowing my word from a client. When she said it I knew that it represented what I wanted for 2023. Commitment. It symbolizes that I am committed to myself, my work, my journey, my relationships, my happiness, etc. 

The word you choose is symbolizing this feeling state- the feeling you have after writing out how you get to have a year that is filled with love, happiness, and abundance in your own form. 

Each morning from here on out, take 3-5 minutes to breathe before you start your day. Think of your word and sink back into the feeling state you had when you wrote out your year. No need to think of the details, just hold onto the feeling. 

When you open your eyes, either say to yourself or journal the following sentences (or a version of your own!)

I am so lucky. Everything I desire comes to me. 

I am abundant in every area. Love, money, creativity, happiness, health. 

I deserve to live my purpose with ease. I create my reality. 

At the end of the day, you are welcome to repeat this practice. I plan to write a gratitude journal prompt thanking MYSELF for living in alignment with my soul's purpose. 

Sometimes the power we need doesn’t come from something external, but from the energy, we have inside of us. 

Enjoy this ritual, because you get to start your year on the foot you decide! Y’all, I am being 1000000% serious when I say that we, as humans, get to LIVE the life we want. 

You get to choose your path and nothing is out of reach for you. Find your support, and the resources you need, and get ready to FLOURISH in 2023!


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