The Shift to Soulpreneurship

If you aren’t familiar with the term, “soulpreneur”, you are probably asking yourself, “WTF does this mean, Allie????”.

A soulpreneur is someone who incorporates spirituality or a heart-centered approach to their business. They use methods that embody alignment, mindfulness, all within their boundaries. 

The cool thing? It’s not just yoga teachers, Reiki healers, spiritual coaches and holistic healers (although they are also Soulpreneurs). It can truly be anyone who wants their business to manifest alignment through spirituality. 

I knew I needed to make the shift of being an entrepreneur to a soulpreneur about two months ago. The difference might not seem like much, but simply describing myself in a way that felt more like me has made the world of difference.

In fact, my niche on who I feel the most called to help are also soulpreneurs (although I love online brand management so much I would help anyone who I felt a strong potential partnership with). 

The thought of switching my ‘niche’ scared me- I had no idea if it was too narrow, too specific, too ‘one-thing’. I didn’t like thinking about who might unfollow me on Instagram because I was no longer posting just “social media management tips”. Because let’s be honest, some people could care less about mindfulness, spirituality, crystals, breathwork, you know the rest. And THAT’S OKAY. I realize that now, but I was incredibly nervous to make the shift. 

Let me backtrack just a bit:

A couple month ago- just when I thought I had it all together- I noticed I felt uninspired, uncreative (is that an actual word?), and unmotivated. I was quite literally thinking, “HOW TF CAN I FEEL LIKE THIS WHEN I CREATED MY OWN BUSINESS??????”.

Something about my initial approach just simply didn't feel like me.

My family friend, a woman filled with love, light and an energy that makes you feel calm the second you are near her, is a Reiki healer. She and someone she had started working with agreed to meet with me and WOW- my chakras were completely closed off. ALL OF THEM. 

The past year with the pandemic and personal matters had left me feeling exactly had I described earlier. It clicked- the hardships that I decided to ignore, instead of feel, started to weigh so heavily on me that I could no longer make mindful and aligned decisions for myself and my business. 

It was after my Reiki healing session (thank you to Stacey + Denise for getting me back in my state of flow), I knew two things:

  • I needed to shift how I approach my business 

  • I needed to learn how to practice mindfulness not just in my personal life, but in every aspect of my life. 

The second I started making small little shifts, the ball just. Started. Rolling. 

For real- I quite literally became unstuck.  

Oh and guess what? The word ‘soulpreneur’ kept popping up in everything I did. I looked it up- loved the definition and told myself I AM A SOULPRENEUR!!!

I started creating content that meant something to me. I stumbled across things that for once I felt open enough to try (EFT tapping, chiropractics, acupuncture). I connected with more potential clients and started building my network. I joined new online groups that I didn’t even know existed but feel like they were made for me!

In fact, the part-time job I have kept to fund my business cut my hours by ¾ and I wasn’t even mad. I started picking up more hours with people who needed me and wanted my style of work. 

The difference between before and now is simple: I am doing something that feels good to me. I no longer feel so focused on working, landing clients, and bringing in money- I simply feel more relaxed and know that I will find the right people and they will also find me. 

Final thoughts:

I am nowhere close to where I want to end up- but now I see something so clearly:

It’s not about where you want to be. Enjoy the process of getting there. Embody learning, growing and be excited that you are doing new things. 

Although I have still experience times….

  • That I don’t know what I am doing

  • That the imposter syndrome dominates me the whole day

  • Where anxiety and my nerves are so strong I think I might fail and maybe I should just get a corporate job, because why not?? (seriously NEVER let me actually do this. I wouldn’t last a day.)

These feelings? They become less and less the more I approach my days with confidence. I urge you, even if you aren’t quote unquote, “spiritual”, to figure out how you can approach your day in a more mindful manner. What will this shift do for you?


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