Real Time Marketing: The Modern Marketing Approach

Marketing is one of the most important aspects of a business. Investing in marketing efforts can deliver amazing results- but only if done right. I can name a few marketing fails, but I can definitely name some of the best marketing efforts that have made me become a loyal follower! One marketing strategy that I have come to love is real time marketing (RTM). Real time marketing has been on the rise as social media has been too!

According to our good ole’ pal wikipedia, “Real-time marketing is marketing performed "on-the-fly" to determine an appropriate or optimal approach to a particular customer at a particular time and place.” 

It sounds a little chaotic, unplanned, and sporadic, but when you look at why it’s important it starts to make sense. Essentially this is a hands-on approach to cater to what is happening in the NOW. 

Social media marketing can fall into this category, and oftentimes real time marketing is a primary approach to a company’s marketing strategy online. 

Here are 3 benefits of real time marketing:

1: It embodies the latest and most current trends. Instead of developing a plan for the future and hoping it is the right approach, or if it will still be relevant, this allows your business to stay on trend.

2: It shows immediacy, urgency, and listening. It shows your customers, followers, or clients who follow along that you are listening to their needs, wants, etc. Being able to deliver something quality each time shows that your company evaluates their current standing, listens to the needs of who you are working with, and that you take into consideration what strategy works for you and them! This can also increase brand loyalty- BONUS!

3: It increases engagement! The more you deliver what people want to see, their engagement and interest in your company increases. With RTM, the current and relevant feel to each ad or post, can attract the customers who align with your company due to your consistent and on-trend approach. 

To be successful with RTM, it is important to understand what the needs of your market are, to be consistent with your strategy, and understand what is relevant. 

The coolest thing about RTM? The position it puts you in. It allows you to switch up the current strategy to one that is more beneficial and can reach more customers. It allows wiggle room in the sense that if one ad or post doesn’t deliver your desired results, you can evaluate and try again.
I tend to use RTM as my go-to strategy. I don’t make solidified plans for marketing due to my fear of it not being the “latest”. Instead I have a concept that I want to do, but adjust it to fit the current market standards and needs of my followers. 

Below I listed a few links to check out to learn more about RTM and how it can benefit your business! Staying up to date is the name of the game- and real time marketing is the real deal for us modern marketers!

Resources check out:


The Shift to Soulpreneurship


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