Thinking About Hiring a Social Media Marketer/Manager?

So…. You are ready to pop-off on social media and want to hire a social media manager or marketer. Um, YES ABOUT TIME YOU GET YOURSELF OUT THERE!

First things first: I’m sure you already know, but social media marketing is on the rise and will only continue to go up. Traditional marketing efforts are no longer as important as getting yourself on social media and growing your following. 

When your company is on social media:

  • You increase brand awareness

  • You can grow a following of loyal clients and/or customers

  • You have the potential to reach SO. MANY. NEW. PEOPLE. (Did I mention that almost 4 billion people use social media?)

  • You can embrace real-time marketing and update your followers of the latest!

But what do we social media wiz’s really do?

Social media marketers and managers create a social media strategy unique to your business or brand! Their involvement can vary, but a full time SMM might have duties such as the following:

  • Manage social media accounts

  • Audit social media accounts and develop a strategy based on insights

  • Creating and implementing a content calendar

  • Researching keywords for a hashtag strategy

  • Posting content daily

  • Boosting engagement on social media (interacting, consistent posting, authentic content, etc). 

The main goal of a SMM is to get the results their client wants. If that is to increase their following to more quality followers, they can do that. If the goal is to increase traffic to their site, guess what? They can do that.

If you have a good SMM, you can ditch the stress of having to worry about marketing yourself on social media as a whole! They work for you and understand the brand identity so well you might be surprised at the results they deliver. 

Personally, when I offer myself as a SMM I want to completely understand the in’s and out’s of a company. I want to know the quirks- what makes it unique. I also want to develop a strategy that is unique, not to just my client, but to their competitors and the users of social media!

What ways are you looking to grow with your social media? Chances are you will be able to find the right person with the right strategy to help you get those results! If I can tell you one thing, it is that I have seen some pretty amazing social media marketing/management companies that I follow and the best thing? There are different companies to choose from, so you have a great chance at finding one that is perfect for you!


Real Time Marketing: The Modern Marketing Approach


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